
March 28-29, 2024 | Astoria, Or

North Coast Arts Leaders Summit

Thank you to everyone who attended the NCAL Summit for education, government and arts leaders on March 28-29, 2024. The following NCAL recommendations are informed by the discussions and presentations shared during the summit. They are intended to spark further discussion and action in service of a vibrant north Oregon coast arts sector and economy.


In March 2024, NCAL hosted a summit for Clatsop and Tillamook County education, government and arts sector leaders. Areas of focus included opportunities to 1) expand arts education access to north coast Pre-K – 8th grade youth, 2) create thriving-wage jobs for arts workers upon whom the north coast’s arts and culture reputation relies, and 3) deepen investment in the arts sector as an essential north coast economic driver. Informed by insights and perspectives shared at the summit, NCAL offers the following recommendations.

Recommendations for Astoria-Warrenton government leaders

  1. Extend Astoria’s west urban renewal boundary to meet the east end urban renewal boundary.
  2. Allocate $5M in available west urban renewal boundary funds to revitalize anchor organizations not currently served, such as Astoria Visual Arts, Heritage Square and Astoria Arts and Movement.
  3. Create an Arts and Culture Coordinator position housed within the city, informed by other successful city models in the state (i.e. Hillsboro, Toledo).
  4. Prioritize financial support for arts infrastructure, which includes facilities and operating expenses for anchor organizations and arts leaders (examples: compensated versus volunteer Executive Director positions, funding for essential capital projects).
  5. Reframe arts funding as an economic investment and revenue growth driver rather than a cost center.

Recommendations for Astoria-Warrenton education leaders

  1. Identify a K-8 Astoria-Warrenton school to serve as a Clatsop County 2024-2025 pilot site for the Sitka Youth Program, which now serves all Tillamook County K-8 public schools and is expanding its Lincoln County service area.
  2. Circulate and encourage teacher participation in the NCAL school art access survey.
  3. Schedule a follow up presentation so more Astoria-Warrenton Superintendents and Principals to learn more about barriers to and opportunities to offer school-based arts access.

Recommendations for private foundations and arts philanthropists

  1. Invest in the North central Oregon coast to help build momentum during this time of cross-county and cross-organization collaboration.
  2. Prioritize flexible general operating and salary support.
  3. Advocate for state funding to sustain successful programs and collaborations on the north Oregon coast long-term.

Recommendations for north Oregon coast arts organizations and leaders

  1. Join the NCAL network.
  2. Share your challenges and success stories with NCAL.

NCAL 2024 Summit Participants

Sean Fitzpatrick, Mayor of Astoria

Andy Davis, Astoria City Councilor

Elizabeth Adams, Astoria City Councilor

Tom Brownson, Astoria City Councilor

Scott Spense, Astoria City Manager

Matt Brandmeyer, Astoria Community Development Director

Jessica Sollaccio, Warrenton Planning Commissioner

William Fritz, Superintendent, Knappa School District #4

Pamela Wev, Clatsop County Commissioner

Mary Faith Bell, Tillamook County Commissioner

Ruby Buchholtz, Oregon Community Foundation

Amy Bell, Board of Directors, Hoffman Center for the Arts

Keri Domer, Arts Education Program Coordinator, Astoria Visual Arts

Hilary Adams, Program Director, Kids Make Theater

Jennifer Crocket, Executive Director, Liberty Theater

Danyelle Tinker, Arts Council of Clatsop County, and Executive Director, Ten Fifteen Theater

Jessamyn West, Executive Director, Astoria Arts and Movement, Astoria Downtown Historic District Association (NCAL organizer)

Annie Eskelin, Executive Director, Astoria Visual Arts (NCAL organizer)

Leeauna Perry, Youth Program Director, Sitka Center for Art and Ecology (NCAL organizer)

Alison Dennis, Executive Director, Sitka Center for Art and Ecology (NCAL organizer)


March 28 Venue: Liberty Theater McTavish Room

9:30-11:30am Session for education leaders - Art Education Access through the Sitka Youth Program

11:30am-1pm Networking and collaboration lunch

1:00-3:00pm Session for north coast government leaders

3:00-3:30pm Networking and next steps identification

March 29 Astoria, OR

9:00-10:30am NCAL debrief and planning session (venue: Coffee Girl)

10:30am-2pm NCAL arts and culture studio and venue tours


2023 Sitka Youth Program Impact Report


Image: Tillamook County Commissioner Mary Faith Bell shares cross-county success stories and arts funding strategies.